becoming an ongoing issue?









Reinforce and re-engage busy parents with a communication solution they can act upon immediately!



Parents miss important emails,
they are not always able to keep up with social media feeds,
often school notes are not given or delivered at the last minute creating panic for the parents.


Which then creates an increased workload and cost on your administrative staff’s time.



Give parents a real-time communication system
that alerts them wherever they are.



– Reduce extra calls and emails to the school
– Create quick and easy messages and reminders
– Selective messaging to specific groups
– Create events that parents can save directly to their phones calendar
– Get feedback from parents via quick surveys
– Fill in absence and change of detail forms quickly and easily
– Increase your social media activity and sharing
– Order and buy school uniform
– Secure Login and passwords
– Show school inspectors in minutes your school to parent engagement
and much more…






The school & parents can select message specific groups


Events saved directly to the parent’s phones calendar 




Absent note/Justification
(a minute to fill in – seconds to send)


Quick surveys
(get feedback instantly)


Change of details
Buy school uniform
Login to school portal
and more…

All the school’s information in one safe place.

Real issues and situations – your school’s fast and effective solutions!

Bus Route 2 - stuck in traffic!

The school bus is late, there has been an accident, it is stuck in traffic and now running 20 minutes late.

Log in to your dashboard select the bus route group and send a message to those parents in seconds.

Important Reminder!

School iPads are required for maintenance for Years 2 & 3.

Send a message the day before, gently reminding parents, they can then save the reminder directly to their phones calendars.

Severe weather warning - school will not open today!

It’s 07:00 and you have taken a decision to close the school due to a severe weather warning. With parents unsure of the situation and unable to call the school ahead of time.

Send a message to all parents. Parents will be eager to hear from you to plan their day/morning. They will get used to looking for an alert from you on their phone.

Phones are down!

The school phone system has just gone down, parents are trying to reach the school, they get worried?

Send a message to all parents immediately and then another to reassure them everything it back up and running.

Community fund-raiser!

You have a really important fund-raiser event coming up and it is crucial to get the help, support and involvement of more parents, it is also for a great cause.

Build up the event, send short, quick, informative and friendly reminders. Get parents involved, engaging within the app, who is coming, talking about it and sharing on social media.

Electricity outage!

You have just arrived at the school and find that there is a problem with the electricity. You need to act fast and inform parents there will no school today.

No electricity, no problem, you can send an immediate message direct from your App on your phone or/tablet on 3/4G.  No need for wifi.

Sits alongside your current communication systems.

Easy to use for the school and parents.

Takes minutes to set up and send a message.

Everything safely in one place for parents.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place”
George Bernard Shaw

One fixed monthly cost, no surprises.

For less than 0.50c per family per month.

(0.49c based on 300 pupils | 0.24c on 600 pupils | 0.16c on 900 pupils)


+34 658 550 988

can’t wait!
access live chat to the far right corner of this page
– just by the email submit button